1940s Women’s Fashion Ideas For Your Next Vintage Dance

One of my very first blog posts I ever did was for a yearly big band 1940s dance we have in Hamilton (outside of Toronto) called Swing Out To Victory.

Big Band 1940s Dance

My post was about what to wear to a 1940s vintage dance and I showed “vintage images” from magazines, catalogues and patterns for inspiration. None of the images I presented were actually for sale though, so I thought since the dance is right around the corner (Nov 8th-Tickets HERE) that I would supply my readers with ACTUAL pictures of outfits you could own tomorrow if you wanted (unless they get purchased before you can hit buy).

Now obviously if you don’t live in Toronto you won’t be attending this dance BUT you can certainly purchase these outfits for your own 1940s vintage dance where you live. Happy Shopping!


To start off here is what I have worn to last years Swing Out To Victory’s….

2013-I’m helping with the candy toss and wearing my Vintage 1940s Gown I found for $30 in Toronto

1940s Big Band Dance, hamilton warplane musuem

Image Courtesy of Jessica T.


Now here are ideas on what YOU can wear to your next Vintage Dance….right now!

Lets just start with a beautiful 1940s Crepe Beaded Gown. Wearing this at your next dance will 100% get you noticed that is for sure!

1940s Black Crepe Beaded Gown Vintage

For Sale on Etsy-TrueValueVintage

Since you might be dancing you want to make sure that you can move in what you are wearing (see my post on “real life vintage images of swing dancers“) and this dress looks like it would fit the bill while looking immensely stylish.

I love the Peplum Detail!

1940s rayon dress vintage

For Sale on Etsy-shopKLAD

I do adore a good green dress! Especially around the Holiday season and this 1940s Taffeta Cocktail Party Dress with the black accents would fit that bill nicely. How lovely would it look on the dance floor, spinning around?

1940s vintage cocktail dress

For Sale on Etsy: TrueValueVintage

I kind of want the below dress in my life..right now because it would be so fantastic for SOTV. Sadly it won’t fit, so someone else take it home and wear it dancing..Please!

1940s Vintage Crepe Cocktail Dress

For Sale on Etsy: TrueValueVintage

I’m a sucker for a good floor length gown, like this beauty below.

Can’t you just imagine yourself being Ginger Rogers and dancing with Fred Astaire in this dress? I sure can.

1940s vintage floor length gown

For Sale on Etsy: dethrosevintage

Keeping with the “Gowns” theme, this black sequin gown with the swooping skirt is Gorgeous with a capital G!

Vintage 1940s gown

For Sale on Etsy: SmallEarthVintage

If dancing is not your thing and you just want to stand around oozing glorious drama then this stunner needs to be in your closet. Oh la la is all I have to say 🙂

1940s vintage gown

For Sale on Etsy: MinxVTG

Now for a little novelty in our lives. The braided detail is delightful and so different right?

1940s Vintage Novely Dress

For Sale Etsy: alleycatsvintage


Lastly lets not forget about the Shoes Shoes Shoes! Oh so important and if you are looking for a vintage pair there are lots out there. Here are small sampling of some for sale right now.

1940s..ohhhhhh the blue is so pretty and the strap will ensure your shoes don’t go flying off your feet during that song you just love to dance too.

1940s vintage shoes for women

For Sale on Etsy-honeytalkvintage

Peep toe shoes are a vintage 1940s must! and the sensible heal could work for a night out on the town.

1940s vintage shoes for women

For Sale on Etsy: honeytalkvintage

Now here is a good sensible BUT stylish shoe for dancing.

FYI the oxford below has never been worn…score!

1940s vintage black oxford shoe

For Sale on Etsy: diggerodellvintage

1940s Red Wedge Shoes Alert! Now these are shoes for a night of dancing…oh yes they are.

1940s peep toe wedge vintage shoe

For Sale on Etsy: honeytalkvintage


Then you have it my friends. I hope you found something you liked or maybe inspired you to go on the hunt for.

If you do go to a vintage dance, please share some pictures with me! I love seeing how everyone styles their clothes (especially from the 40s, but it can be any era).


P.S. I have news! I will be hosting my very first ever Guest Blogger post AND Contest in a couple of weeks..Yuppers a Contest is coming your way so don’t go away.

Liz 🙂

Vintage Inn goes to Oktoberfest

If you happen to be one of my regular followers you might have picked up that my dad was born in Germany, making me officially half German. My mom’s background is Scottish/English but  growing up my parents raised me in a  German household learning German traditions and the German language (a big “sort of” on that one lol). One of those traditions we participated in every year was Oktoberfest.

Fact: Did you know that Oktoberfest in Germany use to start in October but was moved to in and around Sept 20th to accommodate better weather? And even though it is celebrated all over the world now, Oktoberfest is originally a Southern Germany (Bavarian) Tradition.  Interesting huh!


Lets take a peek into the event I enjoy so very much ever year by checking out some great vintage Oktoberfest photos and also the clothes that make the party (mainly the adorable and gorgeous dirndl).

OMG..1920’s Oktoberfest in NYC!!

1920's Oktoberfest NYC

image courtesy of New York Daily News

Vintage Oktoberfest

image courtesy of the Cincinnati Germania Society

Big Giant Tent at Oktoberfest filled with party goers in Germany. This is a normal sight.


Image courtesy of Three Lions / Getty

Mmmm Pretzels a Oktoberfest staple. Tastes so good with beer 🙂


Image courtesy of Owen Franken / CORBIS

This lady is either singing, yawning or yelling but whatever she is doing from the looks of everyone around her she is probably having a very good time.


Photo Courtesy of Mark Susina

Adorable matching dirndls


1928 Oktoberfest “Beer Maids”. You have to have strong arms to carry those steins.

1928 Oktoberfest

(Photo by Fox Photos/Getty Images)

Video time!

Here is a great video I found of Oktoberfest in the 1950’s. Other then the clothes and hairstyles, not much has changed 🙂

Oktoberfest – a short story from Framepool on Vimeo.


Now onto the clothes portion….

To start, a wonderful fellow blogger Jessica from “Chronically Vintage” did a post on her truly gorgeous vintage dirndl that you really must see to believe. Visit here.

My dirndl is not as old as the 1950’s but it was my mothers from the 1970’s and I just adore it. The blouse is actually new from a beautiful designer called “Rare“.

oktoberfest dirndl

Never thought of pairing a dirndl with an adorable vintage hat but the pattern below just makes it look so lovely.


Pattern for sale on Etsy from “BluetreeSewingStudio

These dirndl skirts are so very cute.


Pattern for sale on etsy from “CynicalGirl

The black and red dirndl in the back sort of reminds me of mine. The flowered on in the front is very pretty.


Image above from etsy seller “Historically Patterns”

This dress is so gorgeous and not your “typical” dirndl style. Love 🙂


Dress above for sale on etsy from “VintageFrocksOfFancy”

Pair this red dirndl with a white blouse and you will have a stunner of a dress.


This dress came from Etsy but I cannot seem to find the seller anymore. Sorry about that!

I hope you enjoyed a little vintage look into Oktoberfest and if you are planning on celebrating this year..ENJOY! and Prost!


(Picture taken at NYC Central Park Oktoberfest, Sept 21st, 2013)

Liz 🙂